
Precautions for initial installation and start-up of the fog cannon machine

The fog cannon machine is mainly through the high-pressure water pump water through a specific pipe to the fog cannon machine fog nozzle, and then the strong airflow generated by the blower fan, the nozzle will produce the water mist transported out, so as to achieve spraying operations.

The following is an introduction to the initial installation of the fog cannon machine and the start-up of the use of precautions:

1, after the line is connected to the fan positive rotation shall prevail, the fan reverses please adjust the line into the line, the fan is not adjusted when not open other functions, otherwise it may cause overall damage to the sprayer.

2, fog machine operation, please operate strictly in accordance with the operating procedures, it is strictly prohibited to press the liquid pump start button, must wait for the fan to run normally before starting the liquid pump, so as not to cause liquid backflow to the axial fan and spray barrel.

3, after the fan is running, do not approach the axial fan inlet, personnel shall not stand in the wind cylinder outlet. When spraying, wear a mask and waterproof gloves, spray barrel facing outward, when there is wind, must be sprayed downwind, never work against the wind, to prevent water mist splashed into the eyes or face.

4、When spraying, it is strictly forbidden to exceed the high pressure of 40Kg in the manual.

5、Sand and other debris is strictly prohibited to enter the tank, so as not to block the pipeline, nozzle or damage the plunger pump, in case of nozzle blockage or leakage, the liquid spray switch should be closed or shut down to clear the exclusion.

6, the fog machine start, the fan must be running smoothly after the start of the pump, shut down the pump should be stopped before closing the fan, violation of the operating procedures may lead to damage to the machine.

7、After the spraying operation, the machine must be drained of water, especially in winter, the temperature is low, easy to freeze the area, when not in use, the machine must be drained of water, so as not to freeze the equipment and pipes.

8, check the tightness of the screws in each part, forbid the plunger pump idle without water, so as not to burn the internal parts of the machine. Machine operation, all parts of the body is strictly prohibited to contact the power rotation and transmission parts.

9, the ambient temperature reaches the freezing point or the machine has been iced, it is strictly prohibited to use the machine, otherwise it will lead to equipment can not rotate and burn equipment or other accidents, such as the need to use, the machine must make the ice melt before starting the equipment.

In addition, we must often check whether the lubricant and plunger grease in the plunger pump is sufficient, timely refueling, such as the icing season, the diesel engine, the plunger pump lubricant must be replaced for the local temperature of the anti-freeze lubricant and fuel.