
Dust Control and Suppression for fog cannon

Why is Dust a Problem?

Dust can contain soil, ash, soot, salts, pollen and spores, and a host of other materials depending on the location and activity causing the dust. For example, dust from construction sites, industrial areas, agricultural operations, or roadways might contain pesticides, heavy metals, asbestos, bacteria, fungi, and a variety of other contaminants. Dust particles are very small and easily inhaled. Even short-term exposure to dust can cause respiratory problems and allergic reactions.

What are the sources of dust?

  • Rural areas
  • Waste cleanup sites
  • Industrial facilities
  • Land clearing
  • Construction activities
  • Demolition activities
  • Storage piles
  • Masonry
  • Landscaping
  • Paved and unpaved roads
  • Transportation and track out
  • Activities on vacant land
  • Equipment yards
  • Agricultural field operations
  • Parking lots or feed lots

What are the methods to break them down?
The three basic types of dust-control system currently used in minerals extraction and processing operations are:

  • dust collection
  • wet dust suppression
  • airborne dust capture

Dust-collection systems use ventilation principles to capture the dust-filled airstream and carry it away through ductwork to the collector.

Wet dust-suppression techniques use water sprays to wet the fugitive material so that it generates less dust.

Airborne-capture systems also use water sprays but in this case, the airborne dust particles are sprayed with atomized water. When the dust particles 

When the dust particles collide with the water droplets they agglomerate and rapidly settle out due to their increased size. Moreover for increase the performance, chemical surfactants may be added to the water to reduce surface tension, thereby reducing droplet size. These additives also improve the ability of water to wet and to agglomerate finer particles.

N.B: Too much water can cause operational problems, while too little water means ineffective dust control for fog cannon.